There are just some things in my office that I can't live without. I highly recommend these simple and inexpensive items so your computing time is streamlined.
I buy as much of my stuff online at Newegg’s Electronic Store as possible, but I also take a look at clearance tables at my local office supply stores.
I use a laptop, so a laptop stand recovers desktop space and I store my notepads and postits under my laptop. Shown here is the ALLSOP brand...
I also have only 3 USB ports on my laptop, but about 8 USB items to plug in. So a USB Hub is vital to keep me running efficiently. This is the Kikkerland Hub Man. LOVE IT and will own one soon.
I use a variety of color coded USB Flash drives. These are very inexpensive and get better all the time.
A second monitor keeps my eyes on email on one screen and my active project on the other. A very efficient setup, but not necessarily a cheap addition.