...maybe the workforce has required you to re-evaluate your skills...
Since 1994, Andy Lanning has specialized in "Job Skills Training".
She is a Certified Microsoft Office Specialist and trains most Microsoft programs.
With 30+ years experience in the computer industry Andy focuses every class on using software to solve common workflow issues.
“My goal is to lower frustration and raise productivity.
And maybe have some laughs along the way!”
And maybe have some laughs along the way!”
List of Full Course Topics that Andy can bring to your company:
Most are 3 hours, interactive with attendees using computers
· Microsoft Word Intro
· Microsoft Word Mail Merges
· Microsoft Word for ADA Accessible Documents (US Federal Law compliance)
· Microsoft Excel, Intro and Productivity Tips and Tricks
· Microsoft Excel, Formulas and Functions
· Microsoft Excel, Tricks of the Trade you Need to Know!
· Microsoft Excel, Data Presentation and Charts/Graphs
· Microsoft Excel, for Realtors and Real Estate Analysis
· Microsoft Excel, Power Query (to clean up redundant data sets)
· Microsoft Excel, Pivot Tables (to summarize and analyze data)
· Microsoft PowerBI (6-hr min, or three 6-hr-days optional;
PowerBI to clean-up, analyze, and visualize data)
· Microsoft Outlook for Office Management (get control of your LIFE inside Outlook!)
· Microsoft PowerPoint, 2 levels: Intro and Advanced Slide Masters/Selection Pane
· Microsoft Publisher, Full Overview
· Internet and E-mail
· Computer Basics
· Microsoft Publisher, Full Overview
· Internet and E-mail
· Computer Basics
The Top Computer SUPER SECRETS:

1: Whenever you have the question, "How do I...?"
95% of the time the answer is “your Right-Mouse Button"
(on a Mac, it’s “Ctrl Click” for the shortcut menu.)
(on a Mac, it’s “Ctrl Click” for the shortcut menu.)
2: CTRL Z: Live it, Know it, Breathe it.
If you mess up, delete something accidentally, or generally 'screw up', press "Ctrl Z" to UNDO. Ctrl Z works in ALL software programs. The opposite is "Ctrl Y" to REDO.
If you mess up, delete something accidentally, or generally 'screw up', press "Ctrl Z" to UNDO. Ctrl Z works in ALL software programs. The opposite is "Ctrl Y" to REDO.
3: Know Your Tools!!! Take 10 minutes (JUST 10 minutes!) to float your mouse over your toolbar buttons and read the name of the tools. If you still have no idea what it is, just type the name into the "Help" box (top right of most software programs) and you will get complete instructions on how to use that tool.
4: File, Options - (older versions: Tools, Options) - Go there in any software program and explore. You will find out how much control you really have over your computer. It's awesome!
5: Pause, Slow Down, Be the Boss of every click and you will do far less repair work.
5: Pause, Slow Down, Be the Boss of every click and you will do far less repair work.