The "CTRL" key is a powerful tool in Excel. Open Excel - any version:
- Ctrl and click random cells. This will select a range of non-adjacent cells.
- Ctrl + A will select the entire spreadsheet (if empty), or the range of data (if data is present)
- Ctrl + Home moves the active cell to A1
- Ctrl + End moves the active cell to the last cell with data entered. (But goes nowhere if the spreadsheet has no data.
- Ctrl + down arrow moves the active cell (within the selected column) to the absolute bottom row of the spreadsheet.
- Ctrl + up arrow moves the active cell (within the selected column) to the absolute top row of the spreadsheet.
- Ctrl PageUp or PageDown moves between sheets in a workbook.
- Ctrl + ~ (located under the ESC key) will open all the cells in order to view the formulas without clicking on each individual one. A lifesaver for large spreadsheets. (Press the Ctrl + ~ again to turn it off)